Incubus Album Review: Make Yourself
Incubus Album Cover: Make Yourself
Incubus has to be one of the most under rated bands to those of use who have ever listend to good music. From Brandon's searing vocals to Mike's unfathomable guitar riffs, every member of Incubus brings their all every time they sit down to write a song.
Incubus Lead Singer: Brandon Boyd
Here, I want to talk about the album Make Yourself. I know every single album they have released is epic in its own way, but this one stands out because you can sit down, play this album front to back, and not skip a single song because they are all so sublime yet simple to their style. I can't think of one song on hear that I have any distaste for.
Incubus Single Artwork: Stellar
The album revolves around the usual hard chorus with Mike's thwarting and rhythmically compelling guitar riffs backed up by Dirk's bass giving it that full in your face sound. Jose follows closely with Dirk on his kick drum, but is able to hold that heavy, steady pulse and play all over the place when it comes to his fills and all the little things he does. The verse's vary per song, but compliment the chorus by being quieter and intricate giving room for lead singer Brandon Boyd, who takes the spotlight. His lyrics on this album tied in with his mind frame at that point in is life are as if you were living his life. Think about where he was coming from then. Quit college after 2 years to do something he truly believed but not knowing where it would take him along and many uncertainties in sight. The lyrics of "Drive,""Nowhere Fast," and "Pardon Me" seem to make a little more sense with that perspective Keep that in mind when you listen to this album, be sure to look up the lyrics because Brandon can be hard to understand at times. Lastly, there is the DJ Chris Kilmore, the unique element that truly paints the final picture. Kilmore has the capability to be classified as a"Dj-esque" drummer, could fill that gaps at times, or just give it that extra something you'd never expect , like "The Warmth" for instance. Who would've though that whales could sound so cool with a trippy guitar riff

Incubus Single Artwork: Pardon Me
(Anyone notice something familiar?)
Not much else can be said about the album unless you actually listen to it enough to digest each song. This album is easily one of my favorites of all time by any band. I will be posting more on the individual songs along the line.
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